Saturday, May 26, 2018


Welcome to WorldHighSchool

This is my Classroom.
I am the president of my classroom. My name is Donald, Donald Trump. You can just call me "The Donald". I am the smartest and most successful in our class. Believe me. Our president last year, Obama, was by far the very worst president we ever had.  Believe me. Instead of spending our class budget on dances and class trips, he spent the class money on "Save the trees" programs. Can you imagine! The trees he was trying to save were even "foreign" trees. He also funded a student exchange program with "foreign" students. He did not look out for our class one bit.
I promised the class that if elected class president, I would put our class "first" and would make our class "Great again".
I will let the members of this classroom introduce themselves.
 You can start Kim.
My name is Kim. I know many things about Donald that he would not like you to know about him.  Donald built a contraption to threaten me. The contraption holds 2 balloons filled with blue and red paint over my head.

I bought a drone and "spied" on him. I now have many of his secrets.

Now I use my drone to hold 2 balloons filled with blue and red paint over his head. 
Xi was Kim`s only friend, not because they liked each other very much, but more because they were of the same cultural background and were neighbors. Xi`s father owned a stationary that imported cheap office supplies from China. Xi sold all the pens, pencils, paper, erasers, and school supplies to all the classrooms in the school and he became very successful, rich and popular. 

Vlad`s father owned a bottling company and Vlad sold energy drinks to the entire school and became very successful, rich and popular.
Both Vlad and Xi hoped that the classmates would eventually rebel against Donald for being such a bully. They did their best to provoke him to be a bully.

Vlad and Xi did not interfere with Donald`s bullying because they were bullies in their own right. They bullied students of other classrooms, usually the younger and more vulnerable ones. They were opportunists and kept away from class fights preferring to wait to pick up the pieces after the fights were over.
Donald`s father owned the TRUMP Mall next to the school. Kim`s father and Vlad`s father had their store in the mall.
The class of 2018 set up a market every year.
One day the classroom got a new student called Iran. Like Kim, she was also a recluse and like Kim, she also proved to be a great threat to Donald.

Iran accused Donald of raping her.

Donald accused Iran of being immoral and a danger to the classroom.

Iran`s beauty and charm caused many near her to be blindly infatuated by her and she attempted to convince them to fight all bullies and not let themselves be bullied. Many classmates like Maduro were enchanted by Iran`s charms and promised their support  to destroy Donald for having raped her. 

Donald claimed that all those who are friends of his enemies are also his enemies.

Most of the influential or popular students backed Donald because they were the sons and daughters of the influential parents wanting to befriend his father Mr Trump who was the mayor and banker and the owner of the local Mall. They were the influential students who lived in the influential neighborhood where the Trumps lived. They looked on Donald`s bullying as a strength especially after the last class president Obama who was very weak in negotiating benefits for the classroom. Donald  got elected in great part to his promise of trying to get a fence put up around the football field to keep outsiders out.  

The majority of the classmates wanted to get and maintain contact with the more influential students and supported whomever the influential students supported.


I am Bill. I am Hillarie`s Big Daddy... if you know what I mean.
I am Bush, from the Bush Family. I hope.... he he he
I`m Bashar, Iran is my sister.
  Vlad. Don`t forget that Iran is my sister.

I`m Netanyahu. Don`t anyone forget that Donald, the class president is my best friend. And that I destroyed Bashar`s blue and red ink filled balloons that he bought from Kim.

Hi I am Justin. Yahu, you might be Donald`s best friend, but my dad is Donald`s dad`s best customer. Eh? My family have the biggest stores in the Trump Mall. Rent of some of our stores suddenly increased forcing us to close. It is just part of the long term Trump family goal to get us to sell him our house.  

Sorry to interrupt. Here is ME, celebrating my first 100 days as PRESIDENT OF THE CLASS OF 2018. It was a GREAT Party, It was a BLAST!! The best party every with the biggest crowds.

The class set up a class committee to investigate all of the bullying. Trump complained of unfair treatment by the committee and became even more of a bully.
He threatened to confiscate Kim's computers and threatened to cancel Kim`s internet account. 

Xi immediately offered to help Kim.

He threatened to expel Iran from the class.
Vlad, like a night in shinny armor, offered to rescue Iran. 

This infuriated Donald who left the classroom and went home to sulk and think of an attack. 
He convinced his father Mr Trump to increase the rent of the stores the fathers of Kim and Vlad had in the mall.  They were forced to close their store in Trumps Mall and move out.
As a protest reaction, the weekly market operated by the Class of 2018 refused to sell to Donald.

As a diversion, Donald organized a football game against another classroom in WorldHighSchool. He figured it would be a way of forgetting past quarrels and uniting the class to follow him. As the president of the class, Donald insisted to be the team captain.

The match had to be cancelled in mid-game because the ball kept on inflating.
More and more members of Class of 2018 began to be more and more worried about the balloons  filled with red and blue ink. Especially those sitting near Kim and Trump. In any case, it was clear that if any one of those threatening balloons burst on purpose or by accident, the entire classroom would be sprayed red and blue.

Donald had a great idea. He explained to Kim that both of them were scaring the entire class too much with their balloons filled with blue and red ink. Donald reasoned that in order to improve their  bad reputations both of them had, they could play a bit of a game. Donald guaranteed that their reputations would go from a zero to a ten, on a scale of 1-10.

They agreed to fight verbally threatening each other. They did this to make people interested to follow their fighting threats, and when they make up, the make-up would seem even more impressive if it had a close "fight to the death" scene.
After a noisy fight, they agreed to have a "make-up summit." 

Donald explained to Kim that it would make the class think that they were friends and that both of them would gain a lot of respect, which both of them lacked and needed. Donald also mentioned that his father was interested in real estate development and wanted to do a business with Kim`s father by opening a Mall and fun parks and McDonald restaurants where Kim and Xi lived. Kim`s father and Xi`s father were both happy with the prospect of moving into empty stores in Trump Mall that Trump could provide just by raising his rent.

Donald and Kim agreed to make peace. Kim agreed to remove and destroy the drone carrying balloons filled with red and blue ink that hovered Donald`s desk. Donald agreed to remove and destroy the hanging balloon filled with red and blue ink over Kim`s desk. Donald demanded that Kim destroy all his drones and all his balloons filled with red and blue ink.  Kim was a very good negotiator and offered Donald to sell all his drones and balloons filled with red and blue paint to Donald and suggested that Donald could destroy them himself.

Kim charged Donald so much money for the red and blue ink that he was able to make green ink that was even more powerful and concentrated and difficult to rub-off than the old red and blue.  As an added benefit, it also had a nasty smell.  Kim used a "blockchain" decentralized, anonymous and secure form of production. To make the ink, uranium was enriched in very small amounts using one small centrifuge, but from very many distributed sites making mini balloons filled with his special ink concentrate. The mini-balloons were so small that they could be hidden inside a desk and they no longer had to be hung over the desk.  Some of the students that wanted to be tougher than they were in WorldHighSchool and in the other schools nearby wanted to buy Kim`s special ink concentrate. Kim became very wealthy. 
Vlad  placed many posts on Facebook. Half of the posts were very negative and critical towards Trump. This made the students who liked Trump very angry. The other half of the posts were very positive and praising towards Trump. this made the students who hated Trump very angry.  The entire class and the entire school slit into 2 very angry factions.  It was Vlad`s hope and goal to take advantage of this split and unite his class and his school under his leadership. He wanted to become the new class president.

Donald was loosing friends at a very rapid pace. So he had an idea. He argued that in order to gain friends, he had to have an enemy. He proclaimed that friends of his enemy were his enemies. He also thought that timing was important and a shock factor vital. So after letting the Xi`s, the Kim`s and the Vlad`s set up stores in his Mall, he suddenly and unexpectedly threw them out. He declared  Xi, Kim and Vlad and all their friends “enemies” and convinced his father to close their bank accounts.

Xi and Vlad gave everyone free Crypto accounts that no longer needed banks and bankers. 

Xi and Vlad set up a big school market and had a “sale” of everything boycotted by Donald. They ended up boycotting Donald and his father from their market.

Donald loved to play Monopoly. His opponent built high rises on his property, while Donald built a high wall. When the high rises got too high, they fell and Donald claimed victory.
When he boasted about winning on Twitter, his posts were marked "fake news" by Twitter. Donald got so mad that he started his own social media platform. 

He called it "Trumper." He started his own private cryptocurrency that was based on Bitcoin. He called it "TrumpCoin." Subscribers had to pay an annual fee in TrumpCoins" that were given away for free with each subscription. The "Trumper" platform had a "Trump Store" integrated that sold merchandise for "TrumpCoins."
History shows that all empires follow the same cycle of birth and death. Empires grow till they get old and unproductive and lazy and start to live off borrowed money. When they die, other empires inherit the lost wealth and lost potential and use that for new growth. Nature shows the very same pattern.



Is the world getting better or worse?

Some claim that society is rotten at the core, having lost its family values.
Some use the magic of technology and claim an improvement.

Others believe that society is just growing and like an adolescent is struggling with changes that are occurring too fast.

When we are born, we suddenly find ourselves in a totally different reality. We are finally able to move and see, but we quickly realize that the only place we can move to is the food we have to find. Most newborns would probably prefer the warmth and safety of their womb and believe that their world got worse.

Once we have a grasp of our new reality and are able to crawl and explore, then we are happy with what we have. We have unconditional love, and care and a whole world to explore. We are able to forgive and forget any pains that befall us, emotional as well as physical. Most children as they grow probably think that their world is getting better.

Once we know what there is to explore and decide where we want to explore, and how we can make the world “a better place”, then we believe we can correct all our past mistakes that we needed to make in order to learn. We have children and we start to think about the world we want to leave for them.

Once we have grand-children we start to realize that we have really made a mess of it all.

As a society, we have been always just sheep following the loudest shepherd who inevitably leads us to be sheared and slaughtered. We have only become more sophisticated and more deceived. We can magically cover up our greatest mistakes and our greatest pains whether they be emotional or physical.

Why do you lose the optimism you have when young into pessimism as you get older?

You lose the optimism of youth because you get wiser as you age. You eventually learn to give up your hope that one day you will not fall and fail any more. You learn that when you fall into something that is "too good to be true", then it is probably is.  As we age we learn that "if things can go wrong, they will" and we accumulate the pains of the many things that went wrong and proudly wear them as a show of strength. As we age, we learn to be afraid of nature, and we learn that we get frustrated at realizing how much time we wasted with the wrong things.

The more we age, the more pessimistic we become as we see ourselves and our world slowly losing its humanity and its spiritual side. Humanity, like an adolescent breaking free, is losing contact with nature and with spirit.

It is natural that the sweetness of youth eventually sours just like sweet  grape juice turns to vinegar. We get sour and even bitter because we are slowly dying and decaying back to the dust we came from.  When we are born, we are loved like a new pair of shiny beautiful shoes. When we are old and worn out, we have lost our shine and are wrinkled and discarded and ignored.  We start to lose our teeth, our hearing, our sight and our ability to move and many live in constant pain and loneliness. Many even lose their our ability to think clearly.

When we are young, we can forget and forgive when others do us wrong. As we get older, we lose this gift we were born with for forgiving people who hurt us and we build up resentment.When we are born, we only know love, the love of our parents and our family and their friends. We face life and we are pure. When old, we face death and we are wounded by the hate of those that have wronged us and wronged our family and our friends. This hate accumulates and rubs off  on us and robs us of the love and makes us bitter as we get old.

We make our own reality. The more pessimistic we are and the more bitter and more hateful we become, the more we dislike ourselves and the deeper is the hole we dig for ourselves and the harder it is for us to get out of it. And the deeper hole we find ourselves in the less attractive we are to the people around us. It is vicious circle.

Hope, the shining light in the distance that is a motivation to keep going despite what seems to be insurmountable difficulties gets dimmer and dimmer because the older you get, the less of a future lies before you for any hope. There comes a time when if you believe in a creator of life, you conclude that god must be a psychopath.

The reason that as we age, we feel more and more that "life sucks" is that our life is too long. It is artificially prolonged by artificial life. Before artificial life, humans had a much shorter life. The humans who were not killed and who became very old were revered for their wisdom and respected and valued. Almost all humans were killed, either by fellow humans, wild animals, microbes, natural catastrophes, famine or drought. They did not go thru the prolonged dying process that we value so much in our quest for a long life.

With artificial life, like organ replacement, we reach for immortality.  With artificial intelligence, we reach to become a God for the machines. Humans posses attributes like love, greed, and imagination, that is unattainable for artificial intelligence because when programmed, it always results in the machines crashing and needing a reboot.